About Us

Shawna Holden

Shawna Holden


Email: shawna_holden@hcpss.org

Mariah Carr

Assistant Principal | mariah_carr@hcpss.org

School Overview

School Hours: 9:15 - 3:45

School Colors: Green and White

School Mascot: Pointer Dog


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Environmental Reports

Suspected mold growth found in one room at Pointers Run on August 19 was found to result from an unlocked window, which resulted in elevated humidity in that room.

Additional localized instances of mold reported at the school on September 8 were found to result from elevated humidity levels caused by two fans that continued to run overnight after all fans should have been off. This situation was corrected in September.

Building Dynamics LLC reported that all surfaces where mold had been found have been sanitized, and the building is safe to occupy.

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) School Report Card reflects overall school performance using a combination of academic and school quality indicators.
Fast facts about Pointers Run Elementary School listing special programs, total enrollment, accomplishments and more.

Cluster 4 Board of Education Representative

Howard County public schools are divided into school clusters, which are assigned to individual Board members to facilitate school visitations, attend special events, and provide a point of contact for each school community. View all BOE school cluster assignments.

Pointers Run Elementary School BOE Representative: Jennifer Swickard Mallo